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Our strategies include the work of schools, community-based organizations, government entities and community leaders that co-design strategies that create opportunities for historically underserved communities to thrive.
staff, Bryn Mawr United Methodist Church
“Tell us what you want. What are your dreams for your children? What are your needs for your family? How do we put it all together?”
Using a Collective Impact approach, the RIZP serves as the backbone organization. There are collaborative strategies that are convened by different action teams: Basic Needs, Early Learning, and Middle School Transition. Within each of these teams, the focus is to drive the work through our communities while advising strategic decisions that will create quality improvement.


Shared Measurement
Mutually Reinforcing Activities
Continuous Communication

Basic Needs Action Team
We seek to improve services to meet our community’s basic needs. Our buckets of work include: building the capacity of organizations to support families and sustain long-term relationships, focusing on eviction prevention and supporting/addressing basic needs. Through this work, we proudly established the Skyway Resource Center; a bi-weekly community resource center that provides free resources to families, students, and individuals.
Early Learning Action Team
We focus on increasing the quality and availability of learning experiences for children. Our buckets of work include: Increasing Kindergarten Readiness, Providing translation support, and other family needs for student preparation. We also Improve Connections between early learning providers and schools, assist with providing professional development opportunities and Create co-learning spaces for families, parents and children.
Middle School Transition Action Team
We support the academic, social, and emotional needs of elementary school students and their families as they transition to middle school. Our buckets of work include: meeting with families and students to gather their feedback on how the elementary to middle school transition could better suit the needs of households. In addition to this, we attempt to foster relationships and build bridges between elementary school students and middle school students.


“If we’re honest about closing gaps, I want to know, how are we elevating and building the capacity of the community itself, so that they close the gap for themselves?
I don’t believe in services. I really don’t. Don’t give me a handout. But stand with me, support me so that you’re giving me access to a system that’s not set for me, and you’re a true ally. Dismantle that system with me and break it with me. Because it’s not about me. There are generations that are coming after me.”
staff, Supporting Partnerships in Education a nd Beyond
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